Meet the Zendzis

Miss Brenda Meets the Zendzis


Hi all! Hope you’ve had a great week. I’ve been playing with the Zendzis. What’s a Zendzi? Glad you asked.

First, a Zendzi is a type of avatar you can choose on 3DWebWorldz. In fact, if you go in as a guest, that’s the default avatar.

Second, Zendzis have no gender or race. They just are. They can be customized with any skin you can imagine. The possibilities are endless. There are a ton of options in the library and if you don’t find what you want, you can upload your own.

The name Zendzi comes from the word ZEN. And they are. They are very chill. Despite having no face, they emanate happiness and other good vibes.

You can find Zendzi all over 3DWebWorldz. One of my favorite places to chill out is Zendzi park. Although designed with Zendzis in mind, like the rest of 3DWebWorldz, everyone is welcome.

I hope you enjoy the Zendzis as much as I do. I’ve had so much fun, I even changed my avatar for a while. Until next week, see you in 3DWebWorldz where you can find everything from Art to Zendzis!

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