3DWebWorldz Arcade

Miss Brenda Goes For the High Score


I needed a reality break this week. In exploring 3DWebWorldz, I found the perfect escape and went back to the 80’s. In my preteen and teen years I spent many hours at the arcade playing video games. My personal favorite was Tron. After all those hours, you’d think I’d be good at it. Nope. I sucked. Still do. A few years ago, I played Halo as a team and kept walking off things and dying. The key thing is I had fun doing it. So, anyway, I wandered into the arcade and a flood of memories came back.

Pong was the first video game system I had. Of course I got it second hand when all my friends had Atari. I later got an NES when everyone else had Playstation. I was a bit behind. I played Legend of Zelda and Gauntlet. More than all those, I played Tetris. I played so often that I would seeing falling blocks when I closed my eyes.

All those hours of Tetris prepared me for real life. I make gothic steampunk boxes and other things to sell at Comic Cons. I flashback to Tetris every load out. It’s amazing what sticks with you.

The 3DWebWorldz Arcade has Tetris, of course. There’s also Pacman and several others to choose from. Directions are on the World Announcements and on each game. The games open in a pop up.

So many games to choose from. Of course I gravitated towards Tetris today. I will check out some of the others another day. I love chess but I don’t want to think that hard this week. I just want a quick break before I go back to the real world.

Yeah, I finally bought myself an up to date gaming system. PS4. Yet, I’m still loving going back in time to play my favorite games in 3dWebWorldz.

You don’t have to remember the 80’s to enjoy these games. What made them fun then hasn’t changed. And neither has my skill level. I still suck and still enjoy it. Until next time, keep exploring! See you in 3dWebWorldz.

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