Wednesday Writer Group on 3DWW – Join Us!


URL: – 3D Virtual World in a Web Browser
WHERE: A2Z Writer Library and Lobby (Use the provided web link and you will land in the right place!)
STARTS: 6:30pm Pacific / 9:30pm Eastern USA
DURATION: 2.5 Hours
WHO: All are welcome!

Log in as a guest or registered user. Guests are not required to provide any credentials, just visit the website and enter! Well…choose a name tag so we know what to call you. 🙂

Why should you join us?  Because our Wednesday Writing Group is just plain FUN. Sometimes we call it Whatever Wednesday because we never know exactly what will happen, but we do know it will revolve around WRITING.  During this session we will have some writers working on their own chapters and others exploring Day 2 of The Ninety Day Novel by Alan Watt.

A discussion will commence afterwards.  Some will share their work and some won’t. So if you are shy, don’t worry. There is no pressure.

DAY 3 Exercise:

As your hero, write for five  minutes, beginning with:

(*coughs* – we don’t exactly know how to follow instructions. We will write for about thirty minutes.)

  1. One thing you still need to know about me is… (Write as if your hero were telling you a secret about themselves. Be willing to write the forbidden.)
  2. I am beginning to question why I…
  3. My parents think that I am…
  4. The thing that people most admire in me is…
  5. The characteristic I am least proud of in myself is…
  6. I pretend to have forgotten about the time that…

Watt, Alan. The 90-Day Novel: Unlock the story within (p. 33). The 90-Day Novel Press.

See you there!

*FictionFountain is the Writer Portal for

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