Coffee Talk

A Week in the 3DWebWorldz Life of Miss Brenda


I’ve never been known to complain of boredom. I usually have more things to do then I have time. Since the pandemic, however, I know many people are looking for new things to try. Whatever your interest, 3DWebWorldz has something for you.

My week starts on Monday. (OK, it actually starts on Sunday but on Sunday I’m playing catch up on housework or working on something else. I don’t have anything scheduled.) Monday night at 9PM Eastern a few writers meet up in the Library/Bookstore to hang out while we write. Sometimes we get a lot done and other times, we end up chatting. Totally informal and everyone is welcome. So I don’t get too repetitive, everyone is welcome at all public events. Also, nothing is incredibly formal.

Tuesday is writing critique night. We meet at 9PM Eastern. It’s a supportive group that helps each other improve their writing. Did I mention I’m a writer too? Yeah, I wear a lot of hats. That’s one reason I’m loving 3DWebWorldz. It incorporates all of me in one place. And guess what, if you have an interest that isn’t already here, you can create a region for it. Share what you love with the world. It’s not that hard and there are people here willing to help you live your dream.

I host Wednesday nights. Officially it’s an Artist Meetup. It has evolved into a midweek evening of randomness. Change is the only thing constant in 3DWebWorldz. There are artists, 3D builders, writers and teachers. We all chat and some people work while chatting. It’s supposed to be from 9PM -11PM Eastern but hasn’t ended before midnight and often runs until 2am, People wander in and out as their schedule permits. As I said before, we aren’t very formal.

Thursday is another night without anything scheduled, yet. LOL

Friday is music night. Again at 9PM Eastern. Do you sense a pattern here? We’ve tried to accommodate schedules from people in various time zones and 9 seems to work for most. Liz Aday took us on a musical time machine last Friday. Check out the calendar for who is playing next. Things have become even easier since my last music blog. You just enter the region and make sure your speakers are on.

Saturday is busy. At 4:30PM Eastern we have open office hours with Coffee Talk. Most of the 3DWebWorldz team will be there to discuss future plans. It’s also a great time to ask questions or share ideas. Last Saturday was so busy I forgot to take screenshots while we were meeting so these just show the venues. Oopsie.

Saturday night is time to chill in the theater. I guess I should have specified “movie” theater. A version of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre is in the works. When complete it will have his works and history plus eventually there will be live plays. Just another thing we are adding to make 3DWebWorldz even cooler. The show in the movie theater starts at 9PM Eastern and goes as long as we want. See the calendar for what’s playing. Right now we are binge watching a sci-fi series from about 17 years ago. It’s a chance to relax and enjoy a show with others. Chat is by text only so you can ask questions or comment without interrupting.

And then everything starts over for another week. Until then, see you in 3DWebWorldz!

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