3DWebWorldz is Legos on steroids
Ever wanted to be able to decorate in full 3d but don’t have the time or ability to create objects or set pieces? In 3DWebWorldz our library of objects and building Templates is growing daily.

It’s easy to pick something from the library window pictured above and Place it exactly where you want it, In just a few clicks.
Want to see how something looks before you put it down? Just hit the preview button and see the object in full 3d from every angle.

We have outdoor set pieces ready to beautify every landscape.

We’ve got birds and dinosaurs for those of you interested in building a fantasy world, we’ve even got pirate ships!

If You can dream It, we want to help you make it a reality in 3DWebWorldz
Rent your own region starting at $4.99 a month!
Click here for more details: Get Your Own Virtual Region or 3D Website – 3DWebWorldz News & Support
3DWebWorldz Upcoming Events
Use Portal Web Links to easily share the destination with your friends.
Easy to say, easy to remember. See you there!

Join us for movie night with other folks from all around the world. It’s a great social way to spend a Sunday night.
Block: Movie Theater

Members and guests convene on Tuesday Nights to share new chapters of their novel in progress for constructive critique. New beta readers and members welcome.
If you like to write or read, join us! Fun group.
Block: Writer Workshop and Bookstore

2021 Dates: 12/3, 12/17, 12/31
Join us at the welcome center for a virtual coffee and chit chat about 3DWebWorldz and stuff!
Default landing – Orientation
Just log in as guest or member and land!

Friday Night Fun is always a thing and usually involves live music with professional performers streaming video. Although, we have some fabulous DJs that step in occasionally too!
—- ON DECK 2021 —-
11/26: James Olmos
Choose the performer block for direct login.