What’s New in 3DWebWorldz 01-09-22


Did you know that 3DWebWorldz Is home to multiple independent authors? They meet  every Tuesday at 9 p.m. Eastern and call themselves Team Tuesday. They are extremely gifted authors with multiple novels to their credit As you can see.

If you are an aspiring author or an independent author looking for a group dedicated to helping each other get their work out there, Team Tuesday is for you. All are welcome.

Maybe you are not an author but just someone who loves to read. Team Tuesday is here for you as well.

Come and meet with our authors and find your next great read. To check out our workshop and bookstore  click right here https://3dww.a2zsg.com/3dlogin/guests.html?world=28

3DWebWorldz Upcoming Events

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Easy to say, easy to remember. See you there!

Sundays (9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific)
Join us for movie night with other folks from all around the world. It’s a great social way to spend a Sunday night.

Block: Movie Theater
Tuesdays (10pm Eastern / 7pm Pacific)
Members and guests convene on Tuesday Nights to share new chapters of their novel in progress for constructive critique. New beta readers and members welcome.
If you like to write or read, join us! Fun group.

Block: Writer Workshop and Bookstore
Fridays, Every other week (3pm Eastern / Noon Pacific)
2022 Dates: 01/14: 01/28
Join us at the welcome center for a virtual coffee and chit chat about 3DWebWorldz and stuff!

Default landing – Orientation
Just log in as guest or member and land!
Fridays (9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific)
Friday Night Fun is always a thing and usually involves live music with professional performers streaming video. Although, we have some fabulous DJs that step in occasionally too!

—- ON DECK 2021 —-
01/14: James Olmos:
01/21: EffinJay
01/28: Whirli Placebo

Choose the performer block for direct login.
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