Welcome to our library. This has been a labor of love. Honestly, it’s just the beginning of a long term project. Evie_Marie and I, Miss Brenda, have spent the last few months creating the buildings and selecting authors and books for the 3DWebWorldz Public Library. You can go to MyBookWorld3D.com for direct access.
After a short battle with the Vashta Nerada we declared the Library OPEN!. You may still want to avoid any dark corners.
Our Library is sorted by periods in history from the Rosetta Stone to the Victorian Era. Well, ok, we go a bit beyond on the second floor. Guarded by Odin the dragon, you can explore works by 3DWebWorldz own writer’s group. (Insert shameless self plug here.) The group meets Mondays at 9PM Eastern to write and Tuesdays at 9 PM Eastern for critique. New members welcome!

As you browse the stacks, pop-ups appear with information on the author and books. Thanks to Project Gutenberg, you can click the button and read the books directly.
Hover over Easter Eggs for more interesting tidbits of information.

As cool as that is, this next bit is even cooler! When you hover over Shakepeare, you can teleport to the Globe Theatre! Yep. Transport back in time to the theatre Shakespeare built and read all of his works there!

Remember, I said this was a long term project? This is where that comes in. We eventually want to have experiences like the Globe Theatre for most of the authors and/or books. Next up is Edgar Allan Poe! Planning to debut for Halloween. Stay tuned.
See you in 3DWebWorldz!