3DWebWorldz Region Spotlight Yvonne DeBandi Book Store & Museum


3DWebWorldz Offers many ways for creative people to express their imagination.

 Author Yvonne DeBandi Decided to give readers the chance to actually walk into scenes from her novels. 

Inside each scene is information about the novel, As well as all the different ways an interested reader can enjoy the novel. Let’s face it, letting a reader walk through a scene Is a lot more fun than reading text on a  2D website.

 Want to give readers something to do inside your novel world?  Create a 3D quest or upload audio Journals created by your characters for your readers to find.  The possibilities are limited only by your imagination as a creator. You can build your world yourself using our building tools, or we can build it for you. either way, seeing your creation in 3D has never been easier.

 Need more info?  contact us to find out how to make your creation a reality. This 3D Website can be easily reached at https://mybookworld3d.com/, look for the block titled: Book Store & Museum – Author, Yvonne DeBandi


3DWebWorldz Upcoming Events

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Tuesdays (10pm Eastern / 7pm Pacific)
Members and guests convene on Tuesday Nights to share new chapters of their novel in progress for constructive critique. New beta readers and members welcome.
If you like to write or read, join us! Fun group.

Block: Writer Workshop and Bookstore
Thursdays (9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific)
Join us for movie night with other folks from all around the world. It’s a great social way to spend a Thursday night.

Block: Movie Theater
Fridays, Every other week (3pm Eastern / Noon Pacific)
2022 Dates:
2/11 | 2/25

Join us at the welcome center for a virtual coffee and chit chat about 3DWebWorldz and stuff!

Default landing – Orientation
Just log in as guest or member and land!
Fridays (9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific)
Friday Night Fun is always a thing and usually involves live music with professional performers streaming video. Although, we have some fabulous DJs that step in occasionally too!

—- ON DECK 2021 —-
02/04: DJ Blight
02/11:James Olmos
02/25: Whirli Placebo

Choose the performer block for direct login.

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