What’s New in 3DWebWorldz 10-11-21


3DWebWorldz Is proud to introduce our brand new coffee shop, complete with swag. Thanks to the beauty of print on demand we can now offer t-shirts, hats coffee mugs & More with your face or logo shipped anywhere in the United States. Come see our example for yourself and pick up a t-shirt while you’re there.

Everything you see can be printed and shipped. Ask us how you can get your very own swag

Tuesday, October 12, 2021 10PM Eastern

Writer’s Critique New members always Welcome!

Friday October 15, 2021 3:00 PM Eastern

Coffee Talk with the 3D WebWorldz Team This Week we’re taking a trip to cybaLOUNGE Join us

Friday, October 15, 2021 9PM Eastern
Live Music with Effinjay!!!

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Rent your own region starting at $4.99 a month!

Click here for more details: Get Your Own Virtual Region or 3D Website – 3DWebWorldz News & Support

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