Cabin Fever? No, Thanks!

Events News Writers

By Jamie Jordan

Having Cerebral Palsy means putting yourself in a vault during a worldwide pandemic.

I haven’t left my house in 4 weeks. I haven’t even put on a pair of jeans in 4 weeks. Having Cerebral Palsy means I’m at higher risk of getting sick, but to be honest, staying in is not about staying well for me. I don’t fear sickness. I’m trying to do everything I can to stop the spread so we can all get back to normal faster. The “comfy pants” are getting a workout. I’ve been hearing from a lot of folks online who are struggling with cabin fever and the challenges of finding interesting or useful things to do.

I hear people saying things like
“I’ve already watched everything on Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime.”
“The dog has been walked so many times she runs away when I get out the leash.”
“My jigsaw puzzle library has been exhausted.”

I have to be honest this is not something that I struggle with. Since all this started I have filled a 12-hour plus day with no problems. Maybe my experience can help you!

The key for me has been having actual work to do. Anyone that knows me knows I’m always working. I have a podcast that has been on the air for 15 years and still going called Gaming Uncensored. We talk about video games but we do everything we can to make it entertaining and accessible for everybody. You can find it right here.

If you have read this blog for any length of time, you know that Evie and I do lots of different projects together. The main thing we are working on right now is a 3D World that you can visit on your computer using only your web browser. Evie (have I mentioned that she’s multi-talented genius?) built the world and has a hand in everything you will see there We call it 3DWebWorldz and you can find it here. We have an amazing team working hard on amazing things for you to explore and enjoy.

We have live streaming video music concerts every Friday night at 6PM pacific time to keep you entertained. You can join your friends, virtually, and have a night out without worrying about Covid at all! You’ll find a full schedule of upcoming music events at

We also have an extremely active writers group that is made up of some very talented authors. They use the platforms to brainstorm with other writers, and they have great books that they would love for you to read. You can find out more about them at It’s a really fun place to explore and meet people, which is something we all need during these crazy times. Just recently the writers held a book expo where they each read from their books and took questions from the audience during Author Q&A.  The event was a huge success. Readings were done in voice and it gave the authors a chance to promote and sell their books to people from all over without leaving home.

One of the writers is, of course, Evie. She has multiple fantastic novels that will keep your brain engaged and take you on an adventure. (I should know, I’ve read them all).  You can find out more and purchase them here.

This has become the longest post I’ve ever written on this blog. The point is not to say look at all the cool stuff we’re doing to keep you from being bored, you should support us. I would love it if you did :-)) The point is to put forward the idea that if you are struggling during this time of quarantine, there are things to do and great people to meet. If you are a performer, we can help you connect with an audience!

Writers and Teachers will want to take a look a the Smart Action Software tools we’ve rolled out to help you advance your skills and manage your projects. They are available with a special free preview offer right now.

The “silver lining” about being stuck in your house is that you have time to explore new hobbies and learn about yourself. Find something new that you really enjoy and work on it every day. For me it’s writing, podcasting, promoting online live music and fantastic new 3D meeting spaces. It can be something totally different for you. During this time you actually have time to explore and figure out what you really enjoy.

This is a tough and scary time for many of us, and I’m not making light of anything. I just wanted you all to know that I’m here and want to help in every way that I can. Stay safe and healthy and don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m just an email away.

As always thanks Evie for the amazing art and for giving me a place to write when something comes to mind. Her genius is what drives me to keep working every day. Until next time.


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