Virtual Classrooms – Just in Time?

Avatars Education News
Talk about a timely topic! The current worldwide health crisis surrounding the coronavirus is on most people’s minds, and in some countries, the fallout has already begun. In Japan, they have begun a country-wide school shutdown, and it is having a variety of repercussions, not the least of which is that childrens’ education is being negatively affected. Wouldn’t it be great if you could go to school without actually having to GO TO a school building? is a virtual world in a web browser. No app to download, no credentials of any kind required to visit. Free registration asks minimal questions and is fast and easy.

Virtual classrooms take learning online to a brand new level — you are still in the comfort of your own home, but represented by an avatar in a virtual space. Your classmates and teachers log into the same virtual space and you are all there together on screen. You can ask questions, take quizzes, view lecture notes – pretty much everything you could do at achool (except catch a cold, or something worse, from another person).

When you log in to  (as a guest or registered member), you will land in a three-dimensional space and given a default avatar.

·         Don’t be alarmed… you will be purple and have no gender!
·         Don’t worry… avatar customization is available. You can customize to become a human, or stick with our beloved genderless Zendzi Characters.
·         Good news for teachers …  Our customization options restrict clothing choices.  No  need to worry about too much skin showing.

Using that avatar you can literally immerse yourself in our regions, participate in live classroom settings, explore the art galleries, or learn to build yourself and create your own virtual schoolhouse.

Watching today’s news convinces us that we will be talking more about this in the days to come.

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