What’s New in 3DWebWorldz 6-20-2021


Lots of things are happening in 3DWebWorldz. Check out the new summer event schedule below.

This week instead of the Friday night concert we are having a family and friends movie night. Movie to be determined.

This is a big week for our writer’s group. Torn MacAlester has just released Thunder Moon Tussle. Get it on Amazon.

Nils Carmike, a fallen from grace astronaut turned smuggler, forges a new life on the lunar frontier. Harassed by the strikingly beautiful and demanding Deputy Miller, he is faced with fines and conflict, resulting in a tumultuous relationship and ultimatum he can’t refuse. Running for their life they struggle against their pasts, hoping to outsmart the common faceless enemy and forced to focus on the only rule that matters: survive!

Also check out books by our other authors.

Evie-Marie aka Yvonne DeBandi’s books are at this link.

Brenda Konitzer’s can be found here,

Our writer’s group is open to all ages and writing styles. Pop in on any Tuesday to meet the group!

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 9PM Eastern

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Writer’s Critique 2nd Floor Public Library

Friday, June 25, 2021 9PM Eastern

Movie Night. Movie to be determined

Saturday, June 26, 2021 4:30 PM Eastern

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk Office Hours with the 3D WebWorldz Team

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