
Chat Bubble Over Head

What is InstaChat?

The Instachat feature is a communication option that puts a literal bubble/box over the avatar head, with your typed words inside. 

How Do I Open/Close the Instachat HUD? 

These options are toggle switches - click the same option to switch on or off. When you open it, this is what you will see in Mirror View:

How Do I Use the InstaChat HUD

Reloading or Teleporting with an Active InstaChat HUD

If you teleport or reload your region, your instachat HUD will automatically close and message in bubble/box will reset to default.  

However, you will see your last message on your HUD for easy copy/paste if needed.

How Do I Change the Message?

How Do I Move the InstaChat HUD?

The text is too small.  I can't read someone's message?

If you see a chat bubble/box open, but can't read the text.  Switch to FREECAM Drone to zoom in while keeping your avatar from moving. See help document 3DWW-0002 : Movement and Camera Controls (How to See) for FREECAM DRONE instructions.